Business and Corporate Law

Our civil litigation attorneys are familiar not only with New York State's Law but also Federal Laws and Regulations. Majority of our attorneys have admitted to practice in multiple states, and have abundant experiences in extensive civil litigations.

Corporate Legal Counsel

At Demidchik Law Firm, we will provide legal advice and services to LLC, Enterprise, individual or o

Commercial Fraud

Commercial fraud refers to misleading or deceiving entities and individuals, defrauding money and al

Property Disputes

Property dispute is a legal dispute that involves real estate, it may look simple, however, the prop

Landlord Tenant Dispute

New York State law regulates several rent-related issues, including rent control and stabilization,

Construction Disputes

Constriction disputes arise during a construction process. The most common one is the dispute over t

Intellectual Property Disputes

Intellectual property dispute involves disputes relating to the protected creations of the human min

Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

Sexual harassment is considered to be a form of sexual discrimination (See Title VII employment disc

Illegal Dismissal

The term "wrongful termination" is ambiguous because in New York, employment is viewed as "at will".

Business Disputes




Breach of Contract


Nonpayment of Business Debt


Insurance and Insurance Litigation
